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Preloading Christmas Console Games

Preloading Christmas Console Games

Not so long ago one of the biggest disappointments on Christmas morning was getting the gift you’d waited for all year and not having the right size batteries. Simpler times. Let’s leave that kind of disappointment in the past and make sure that if your loved one is unwrapping a gaming console this Christmas that they can play straight away! To avoid waiting, try preloading their favourite games beforehand. 

What Does it Mean to Preload a Game?

Preloading a game allows you to download larger files like the background music or certain graphics. These can often take hours, and nobody wants to be waiting around on Christmas morning! By preloading your new games, the cache memory stores important details that make the game run a little smoother. 

Preloading can be done on your gaming dashboard or through the game store. You can also preload an unreleased console game so that when it is eventually released, it is ready to play straight away.

Beat the Christmas morning rush by preloading games beforehand, allowing more time for Aunty Bridget to video call the grandkids. 

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